donderdag 5 november 2009


Be glad that this blog does not have a sound or smell. Bad karaoke on the river and I have eaten a lot of garlic...
Only first day so not that much to tell. Took the taxi from the airport to the Southern bus station, if I undertood my non English driver, I could have taken a bus as well but this was faster...Arrived there at 8.50 am, had my bus to Kanchanaburi at 9, so that was great. Only 77 bath, one euro is 49 bath
At the bus stop took a bike rhiska to my hotel with river view. Today I slept and planned the next few days, will be here a couple of days. Tomorrow I will go to the tiger temple and explore the city, Will ride the famous railway twice as I want to go to two stops and that will be too much to do in one day
More will follow soon, hope I can post updates often...

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