zaterdag 23 mei 2009

Toronto Islands

I arrived yesterday evening so I didn't do much more then say hello to my host and her housemates, had lunch and petted her cat...
Jamie, a girl zho just moved herem and I went to Toront island today. We were planning on renting a bike but as you had to pay by the hour and neither of us liked looking at our watch all the time, we decided to do everything on foot, the island didn't look that far. We first went to the (haunted) lighthouse and walked on towards the airport, passing the clothing optional beach, funny name...
But we both fell in love with the other part of the island, called Wards island where you have several cottages, some big and some so small that they are dollhouse like and all with beautifu gardens. We took the boardwalk so had a great sight on the lake as well and I saw a black squirl, never seen it before. Also could hear the birds all the time. When we continued our way we had a great view of the city, must be beautiful at night or with sunset. We walked to Algoquin Island, had a look at more houses and started to dream of living there. It's so beautiful and nice and if you work at the harbour area, not really far from work. You only have to take the boat back and no road blocks as cars aren't allowed on the islands...
So my trip started great. Weather was a bit clouded in the morning but the sun came through in the afternoon so it was great...
This weekend it's open houses, so several museums are open for free, good timing...

1 opmerking:

  1. Hallo,
    Canada da's eens iets anders als Aziƫ ne het bevalt je nog goed ook.
    Geniet maar van uw verlof en denk vooral niet aan de hardwerkende vrienden ('t zou zonde zijn van uw verlof).


